Interview With Drew Henriksen About His Books

Drew Henriksen is an actor, author, screenwriter and stuntman. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Medical Technology/Biomedical, a Master of Science degree in Immunology / Medical Biology, and a Post Masters Certification in Science Education. He’s just released his 3rd book in a Dragon series, so I figured it was time to share more about Drew and his books…

Wendy: This is your 3rd book in the Dragon book series, right? Is there going to be more?

Drew Henriksen : I did write a graphic novel about some of the characters, but my illustrator couldn’t do it and I couldn’t stir interest from another publisher to print the book with all those illustrations. I would like to write more novels about some of the ancillary characters.

Wendy: How long did it take you to write Dragons and Science?

Drew Henriksen : It took me five years to write the whole trilogy. Dragons & Science took about a year and a half.

Wendy: Was it hard to get your books listed on Amazon? What other outlets carry your book?

Drew Henriksen : The publisher, Robert Gelinas of ArcheBooks , got them to Amazon immediately. Other sites that I never heard of jump on the band wagon too. If you Google them, they will pop up all over the place.

Wendy: You mentioned there is interest in your screenplays by Brad Thornton’s Hopewood Films. Are the screenplays based on the Dragon books? Or are the screenplays stories different?

Drew Henriksen : I wrote screenplays for the first two books, but Brad Thornton’s HopeWood Films is looking to film other screenplays I wrote. The Easiest Day Was Yesterday, Saint Dementia, and The Waiting Game are they three of them.

Wendy: What is the biggest difference in writing books compared to screenplays? Do you use any of the same methods for each?

Drew Henriksen : It is a very different way of writing. Screenwriting is a physical setting. You project the movie in your head and then describe what you see. Books are more fun, you can describe exactly what is going on in someone’s head in anyway you want. Scripts, you need to show it in any action.

Wendy: Any idea when we can expect the first film?

Drew Henriksen : I don’t know if the first book, Dragons & Wolves, will ever get filmed. It would be a pretty big budget. Brad wants to start filming Easiest Day in August. Keeping my fingers crossed. I get to play a henchman in that one!

Wendy: Good luck and have fun with it! Thanks for doing the interview. : )

Visit Drew at his official online spots… click here.