Events With Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus and David Della Rocco for 2015

As I work closely with actors Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus … I’ve needed to confirm many of the events that they attend. We once had an event overseas claim the guys were going to attend and the guys didn’t know anything about it. Fans had been buying tickets thinking it was true they would be there. After we found out about the bogus nature of the event, the guys took to their twitter to announce the fraud. Since then we’ve tried to be diligent in confirming any appearances that needed a public announcement, so below you will find the events that are confirmed and lined up for this upcoming year. Just remember that there is a chance something will come up and prevent them from attending, but as of now, the events below are up to date. There is also usually a fee for autographs and photographs, so contact the event to see what the pricing will be.

NOTE: If you want to see these actors continue to attend these events, please show some courtesy towards them. Ask permission to take photos or video of them. Don’t grab on them as if you know them personally. Don’t try to visit them in their hotel rooms or any place you aren’t supposed to be as part of the event itself.. (ie: where you paid tickets to enter and visit with them). Please respect them and their privacy. But most of all, have a good time.

Appearances by Sean Patrick Flanery (Dexter, Saw 7 3D, etc), Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead, etc.) & David Della Rocco (BDS)

Wizard World Comic Con : Des Moines
June 12-14, 2015
Sean Patrick Flanery and David Della Rocco
Info here..

Wizard World Comic Con : Sacramento
June 19-21, 2015
Norman Reedus (Sat & Sun), Sean Patrick Flanery (all days) and David Della Rocco (all days)
Info here..

Walker Stalker Con : Orlando, Florida
June 27-28, 2015
Norman Reedus
Info here..

Showmasters London Film and Comic Con
July 17-19, 2015
Clifton Collins Jr.
Info here..

Wizard World Comic Con : Chicago
August 20-21-22-23, 2015
Norman Reedus (Sat & Sun), Sean Patrick Flanery (all days) and David Della Rocco (all days)
Info here..

Wizard World Comic Con : San Jose
September 4-5-6, 2015
Sean Patrick Flanery and David Della Rocco
Info here..

Wizard World Comic Con : Pittsburgh
September 11-12-13, 2015
Sean Patrick Flanery and David Della Rocco
Info here..

FAQ: Q: How much are autographs & photos? A: Contact the event place to inquire.

* If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through Twitter @wendyshepherd or email.

Sean Patrick Flanery : Official Video | Official Site
Norman Reedus : Video | Official Film Site | Official Site


57 responses to “Events With Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus and David Della Rocco for 2015”

  1. constanta_x

    Thanks for all information <3

  2. What about MICHIGAN?!?!!?!? Detroit, many places to go up (walking dead) Come to MI. If anyone needs it….

  3. Heather Schroeder

    OMG! They are coming to MIssouri!!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Wendy for confirming this!

  4. I second the notion for Detroit. We love the Saints here.


  6. Arizona would LOVE to have them here! I know plenty of people who love the movies.

  7. Please come to Detroit!!!!!!

  8. I vote a Detroit stop as well!

  9. Would love to see you guys in Las Vegas or southern California!!! New Mexico is just a tad to far for me. 🙁

  10. dude what about tennessee? i love Norman and Boondock saints i watch that movie 3 times a day and im not the only one in tn that feel that way!!!!! please come to tn please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. come to detroit!

  12. Detroit!!!!!! please

  13. Detroit would rock!

  14. MI is the best!!!!!

  15. Detroit please i love the movies!!!!!

  16. the saints def. need to stop in Detroit, we need the saints!

  17. Will Troy Duffy be appearing at any of these conventions?

  18. come to DETROIT!

  19. MattAugust


  20. I agree with all my other fellow Detroit fans, this town could really use a visit from the saints!!!

  21. come to socal! please! u guys have to come to socal!!!!!

  22. Detroit!!! Please!

  23. I have to agree…detroit.

  24. Come to Detroit!

  25. Detroit needs the saints.

  26. Please Detroit!

  27. Come to michigan

  28. please, please, please come to detroit, or anywhere in michigan

  29. PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE with a BIG FAT CHERRY on top……come to Australia!!!! but I wanna know about it 1st 🙂 !!! U boys are HOT!!! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to u all over there!!! xo

  30. crazymomma

    DETROIT!!!!! Yes we need to see those sexy saints here!!!!!! Anywhere in Michigan will be fine!!!

  31. Thanks guys…so many fans…so little time. Give Billy Connolly a huge hug for me, won’t one of you darlin’s. I saw one message and the person watched the movie several times in a day. Whew! Now I’ll come out from my closet…3 times in one day just over a week ago!!! Haven’t seen BS2 yet but it’s on my list…Me daughter bought me the first one two years ago for the holiday…I was giddy and everyone I know who hasn’t seen it hears about it from me, because they’re missing out! Hope I can make the Missouri gig or better yet the Indianapolis one (where I was born). Stay well and bright blessings in abundance on ye all.

  32. Detroit!!!!!!! Saw BS2 opening night when it came to the D. Have both movies on DVD, and recorded on my DVR for easy access. Love Norman it The Walking Dead. So I repeat, DETROIT!!!!!!! We have hardcore Boondock Saints fans. I know you were here last year but there was like a blizzard that night, and you were in the boonies.

  33. saint mama A

    dont 4get to come to lil O maine! we love you up here too!!!!!

  34. mat3eleven

    Come on out to Detroit!!

  35. Come to Whitehorse, Yukon Canada… Everyone LOVES the saints & it’s & great place to be!

  36. boondockchicky

    Tennessee.. we would love to have you come to Tn… you guys are so awesome

  37. COME TO DETROIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. I second for Arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Stephanie

    What about Georgia? After all the Dead walk here 🙂

  40. Too bad they aren’t heading to Las Vegas, NV, after the NM Comicon. The SHOT show starts Jan 17 and the spec ops community loves you guys.

  41. Katherine

    Why don’t they ever do anything in NYC?

  42. Thanks Wendy for posting all the info for all the conventions!!!! It’s going to be a BDS for the first qtr!!!! Can’t wait!!!!

  43. DETROIT!!!!

  44. Michelle

    Looks like with all these comments, you have the most for Detroit. You should make a trip come to see us. There are lots of fans here. We are waiting on Boondock Saints 3.

  45. whats up with detroit? how about fuckin boston! where the saints are from!

  46. sorry DETROIT is all over the boondock saints

  47. lindsey

    come to virginia please!!!!!!!!!

  48. Rebecca Fresnoza

    Moscone Center South San Francisco April 1-3 2011
    Please come and check it out. Thank very much for your time.
    Rebecca F.

  49. Amanda

    Phoenix or Glendale, Arizona! Please!

  50. What about Canada? They gotta come to Vancouver! Everyone I know loves them! I love them and the movies! Most movies you can’t watch more than once!