David McDivitt (Actor, Writer, Director, Producer, and Stunt Guy) has been on Officially Plugged In for a long time now. He’s gone through a recent move and is working on producing several films. It’s not easy pulling together all of the necessary components (film financing, talent, etc) to get a film made, and not many filmmakers I know contribute to charity as David has highlighted with his film company…
What is Smashcam Productions and Film For A Cure?
Smashcam productions is a production company. Film for a cure is a promise to give 25% of all profits from any film stamped “A Film For A Cure Film”. Just like the red phone but with a film. It never stops making money. So the charities will always make 25% profit even when it goes to T.V. or toys.
When did you start Smachcam productions and who is a part of it?
SMASHCAM Productions was started about a year ago. when I moved back to Massachusetts.
Each job or film that is made is dependent upon the requirement and pay. Some people will only work for more money as others will work for less. As of right now “SMASHCAM Productions has Ken Willinger an Emmy award winning Director of Photography with more than 25 years working on the Film Trailer “The Pentagon Memo”. If after the fundraiser and if we sell the 20 units at 10K each, giving us 200k to make the film, we would bring him on again for the feature film “The Pentagon Memo”.
As you can see, as a producer all jobs are governed by availability and how much your going to pay your employees.
Also, after hiring the key people for any job. SMASHCAM Productions will hire some employees for Copy, Credit, Meal so that those people will get experience in the field of film making.
What are your current projects?
As of right now, we are working to get “The Pentagon Memo” made. After that film is made, we have about four more scripts that we will make with the profits made off the first film.
What is The Pentagon Memo film about?
The Synopsis: Detective James Bullitt is not your average cop. He doesn’t do everything by the book. When a government virus is stolen that threatens his family and National Security, nothing will stand in his way to get it back, not even the LAW. James Bullitt has 48 hours to prevent the virus from spreading or getting into the wrong hands.
Who is on board to act in the film?
As we are doing the trailer local actors will be used. We have gotten quite an amount of requests to be in this film from some recognizable names but only when it has the budget in place.
One of the people is: Timothy Gibbs
The others wish not to be mentioned.
I’ve noticed you have a poster contest for The Pentagon Memo … can you share details about it?
Who ever wins the contexts, gets their poster autographed from the crew and cast as well as a chance to have the poster put on a billboard. More information about the contest is here.
Can I ask how the name SMASHCAM Productions was created?
My brother had an idea about 10 years ago, he wanted people to send him video tapes and he would convert them into online videos. The problem is he had no idea about how computers worked. So I thought up the name and built some servers then sent him 6K plus books to educate him on computers. His ex-wife said I was taking his company from him. He had not even lifted a finger and they wanted my computers and the domain name I paid for. It took 10 years before we talked again.
Thanks for sharing about your projects!
If you want to help and learn more about David’s company and upcoming film projects, check out his websites: Smashcam Productions | Film For A Cure | David McDivitt