With THE WALKING DEAD show creeping onto television this month, one of the cast members has friends & fans that want to send a group of messages as a giant type of a love letter to AMC and the creators of this new TV series. Officially Plugged In’s Norman Reedus is a talented versatile actor and artist who has many people (including me) that want to see more of his acting performance on television and in films. I know Norman is excited and proud to be a part of this show. Below is just a sampling of (about 100) letters showing the thankfulness being projected from around the world in regards to Norman Reedus playing the role of Daryl Dixon for this new project…
AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is going to be amazing now that the talented Norman Reedus has joined the cast!
Norman Reedus is one of the most underused talents in show business. Every time I find out he’s making even the slightest appearance in a movie or TV show, I want to watch just because of the fact that this amazing actor brings greatness to any show or movie he’s in, even if it’s only for the time that he’s on screen. As long as Norman Reedus is in The Walking Dead, I’ll be watching FAITHFULLY!
~Missy Cole Tualatin, OR – @sister_b
There’s nothing more I want than to see Norman kept on AMC’s Walking Dead show so I can have a weekly date with Norman, and my TV. Who wouldn’t want to see him toting a gun on AMC?”
Tisha Whittaker – @tishawhittaker
Norman is the heartbeat in my chest, he is the blue in my sky. I just cannot live without seeing his handsome face.
With talent and understanding Norman Reedus brings a human depth to all his characters in a truly unique way, with chiseled features and blue eyes that hold just a glint of wildness he stands out in any role he plays. I was very excited to hear about his recent addition to The Walking Dead and will definitely be looking for it in October because of his addition.
M..A Gonzales – @magonzales1980
We want to see more of Daryl Dixon in the Walking Dead! Keep Norman Reedus alive on AMC!
Casey Crawford – @CaseyCcC
Norman Reedus is one of my most favorite actors. His charisma and demeanor are to die for. He is so talented! Please keep him as a regular on the show The Walking Dead! <333
Danny Petrella - @daniellerenee91
The amazing Norman Reedus kicked Boston criminal ass in BDS, now he’ll be kicking zombie ass in The Walking Dead. I am all about watching this show in the fall.
Crystal – @graviebote
Dear AMC,
Thank you so very much for casting Norman Reedus in you show The Walking Dead. I love this actor and I love zombies so there is nothing better than that. I was looking forward to this show before Norman was cast to be in it, but now I’m going to definately tune in live instead of just recording it on my dvr to view later.
Michelle Reizner – @michellereiz
Dear AMC,
When it was announced that The Walking Dead was coming to television and that the amazing Frank Darabont was at the helm I was beyond excited! But then, then it was announced Norman Reedus was joining the cast and I found myself OVER THE MOON!!
Norman is a man of many talents which includes being a phenomenal actor. He also has an extremely loyal fan base and it is our hope that he will remain part of The Walking Dead cast for more than just the first 6 episodes. I personally know of fans that aren’t into zombies or horror but they’re going to give The Walking Dead a go anyway and why? Norman, of course!
So know this: As long as Norman Reedus is kicking zombie butt as Darryl you can rest assured we’ll be watching!
Keep Norman Kicking!!
Sincerely – Tara Cameron – @Tara_Jen
“Congrats to Norman Reedus on The Walking Dead show, and thanks to AMC for picking up this idea!”
From all of us at FEN Entertainment. – @FENpromos
Dear AMC,
I had no idea you existed until recently when the fact that Norman Reedus got a part in The Walking Dead came to light. Glad to hear of you, particularly because you will put Norman on our small screens for a while. Hopefully that will be a long while. Can´t wait to pay you a visit on Halloween and check out what else you have to offer, see what getting Norman Reedus on one of your shows does? I would ask for trick or treats, but a zombie show will be enough. Thank you for making me happier.
Love, Daniela. – @deepdarkred – @genuineadmirer
Dear AMC,
I want to say thank you for casting the multi-talented Mr. Norman Reedus for the role of “Daryl Dixon” on your new upcoming show “The Walking Dead.” With more than 10 years in films, he has plenty of experience that he would bring to his new role. Besides acting, Mr. Reedus has the admirable hard-working ability to juggle his occasional film directing, photography, painting and his most important job of all, being a good single father to his son, Mingus.
You made an excellent choice in selecting him for this role. I know he won’t disappoint:)
Very Respectfully, Christine Freisinger – @navygirl02
‘Thank you AMC for giving us an opportunity to see Norman Reedus in such an incredible TV show.’
Stacy – @M0derN
I’m looking forward to seeing “The Walking Dead” in Japan! I want to see Norman’s acting early! Can’t wait! I really love Norman Reedus!!!
Take care, Kana – @froggygreen09
I am so glad someone is finally realizing how awesome Reedus is. =) This guy rocks everything he touches and we LOVE him. =P xoxoxo
Dear AMC,
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in your new show, The Walking Dead. A talent like Mr. Reedus is a rare find nowadays, possessing both breadth and depth in his performances. As a loyal fan of his, I want to express gratitude for recognizing that, and also for bringing his talent to the attention of many new viewers. I hope to see him in this role for a long time, and cannot wait the arrival of the premiere. Again, thank you.
Sincerely, Paige Kookogey – @paigekooks
Dear AMC, Thank you for adding Norman Reedus to your cast. His skills will add a bit of ‘bite’ to your series. Thank you, again.
“Thank you for adding Daryl to Kirkman’s world and choosing Reedus to play him. I cannot wait to see how the comic has come to life.”
AMC, THRILLED to see Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead! What an asset he will be, you have just made thousands of loyal fans very happy!
– @jinxi3
Dear AMC,
Thank you so much for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead! He is truly one of the most talented actors of our time, and I can’t wait to see him in this role!
– @FangMom
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in TWD. AMC has gained a brilliant artist for this project.
Thank you AMC for the great casting of Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead!
– @larelie
Dear AMC,
I would like to thank you for seeking out and casting Norman Reedus in your new series The Walking Dead. I have been a long time fan of Norman’s and the fact that I can get to see him on a weekly basis on your show is a bonus to my seekly viewing pleasures. I do have to admit that Norman is the main reason that I am tagging and watching the show, but I do wish the show the best of success. Hopefully Norman will be on it a long time.
Kindest regards, Lynn Tackitt – @pvtgiggles
Norman Reedus is awesome!! I’m so excited to see him in “The Walking Dead”, it will be great!!*-* Thank you, AMC!
By Tais – @tataswimmer
Can’t wait for Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. Thanks AMC for bringing this project to life w/ an exceptional cast.
I think it is so amazing that you chose Norman Reedus to be on The Walking Dead. He is a fantastic actor and always does great work. Can’t wait to see the show! Thanks again!!! Never cease to amaze.
AMC, I really must commend you on the addition of Norman Reedus to The Walking Dead. I have been looking forward to the show for a while and to hear that Norman is going to be on has made me even more impatient. He’s such a great actor and I can’t wait to see him on the show!
Thank you AMC and Frank Darabont for casting Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon. I have no doubt the amount of depth and intensity that Norman will bring to the cast. I look forward to every episode. Thanks again.
Venomous Valdez – @VenomousValdez
Dear AMC, I’m looking forward to see ‘The walkin Dead’ & I’m so keen on to see Daryl Dixon aka Norman Reedus.I’m so glad that you’ve cast him for the show! I hope he’ll be in the next seasons, too!! He is a real enrichment for the show! Thank you
The quality and uniqueness Norman Reedus brings to his characters is unmatched!Thanks AMC for casting such an amazing actor in The Walking Dead !
Amy Gibson – @Amyg137
We,the German NR fanclub, would like to thank the AMC for casting Norman Reedus for the show’The walking Dead’!
Thank you AMC for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. This show is gonna rock! Can’t wait to see Norman kick some zombie butt
– @Marae24
Thank You for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead tv series. I am a huge fan and love his work!!
Sincerely Michielle Noble
My name is Jenn Monteleone. I am a HUGE fan of Norman Reedus, I think he is by far one of the greatest actors of our time! I cannot begin to thank AMC enough for casting Mr. Reedus in the new tv serioes the Walking Dead! It will be nice to see my favorite actor on a regular basis, and I honestly believe he will give the show many fans, and great ratings! Norman Reedus is such an inspiration, and is definitly an underrated actor, I hope this role, plus any upcoming roles he will get, will get him noticed and give him the credit he deserves, thanks so much for your time! Good Luck with the Walking Dead, i cant wait to tune in!
~Jenn Monteleone – @sgnmbr1fan4life
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead, I love Norman Reedus in any movie. I’m so glad I get to see him in a tv show so I can see him every week, I’m so excited! He is so amazing, I don’t know, something about the strong, quiet type is really sexy lol! But anyways thank you so much!
~ Ariel Winge
Just wanted to thank you for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. Zombies are already really awesome, but Norman Reedus and zombies are combination of awesome beyond measure. I’m looking forward to putting The Walking Dead on my list of shows to watch religiously.
– Danielle – @ohheyy_monet
AMC you made an awesome choice in casting Norman Reedus for The Walking Dead. The entire NR fan base is super excited about the whole thing. So… Just thanks. TOTALLY AWESOME.
Dear AMC,
I wanted to thank you so much for giving us The Walking Dead and especially for casting Norman Reedus in the show. I must confess that I am a scaredy cat so I don’t watch horror films or TV programs at all, but the temptation to see Norman on the screen was too much so I’m giving in. I know that it will terrify me, but I’m supremely confident that it will be awesome simply because Norman Reedus is involved in it and I am a big fan of his. Perhaps this will even be a good experience for me emotionally to help me get over my fear of the horror genre. Again, thank you very much for casting Norman in the show and I hope that every episode gets excellent ratings.
Sincerely, Jessica Meade – @jade_kadir
Dear AMC,
Thank you so much for casting Norm on The Walking Dead!! We are so excited to see him on the show weekly! Now we can stop watching the first 5 minutes of Hawaii 5-0 over and over again! You found some real talent with that one!
Love, Cat and Gracie xo – @mom2gracenlinc
Dear AMC,
I want to thank you so much for casting Norman Reedus. He is such a talented guy but he is also down-to-Earth kind of dude. And finally thanks to THE WALKING DEAD series, Poland can watch him on a small screen. Thanks to Norman I found out about that series but as I watched the trailer and other stuff I fell in love with it. I can’t wait for the premiere! Once again, I think you made a good choice when you decided that Norman should play Daryl Dixon.
I look forward to see it, Joanne Kapinos, PL – @naryaasha
Thank you so much AMC for casting Norman Reedus in “The Walking Dead”!!! I’m going to be honest I’m not big into the horror genre but when I heard that you cast Norman, I got so excited, you already have a faithful viewer without seeing one episode. Norman is a great and in my opinion very underrated actor. He has the quiet cool about him, very reminiscent of James Dean. He doesn’t always have to say a lot with words but when he is on screen, he mesmerizes. You made an excellent choice in casting him, you won’t disappointed! Congrats Norman can’t wait to get to watch you weekly, I know how excited you are about this role, and all of your loyal fans are excited to see you in it!!
Amanda Raytik – @mandy302
Dear AMC,
I would like to say thank you for casting Norman Reedus as ‘Daryl Dixon’ in your upcoming TV series The Walking Dead, by Frank Darabont. Eager to see the premiere of this highly anticipated horror series. Plus, knowing that your cast … Jon Bernthal, Jeffrey DeMunn Laurie Holden et. al. …. also includes Mr. Reedus is wonderful.
Thank you, Mireille M – Film & Movie Fan – @MireilleM – @EntertainCorner
Thanks AMC for choosing Norman for the Walking Dead. Can’t wait for the series to start!
Thanks to AMC for choosing Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, and I hope he’ll be in all the next seasons!
AMC, you have officially become my favorite channel. Casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead was genius. He is brilliant. Thank you.
To whom it may concern,
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in the AMC’s series “The walking dead.” He is an a amazing, charismatic, charming, talented actor. I look forward to watching this series to see my favorite actor.
Thanks, Heather Balzano
Dear AMC,
Every year I look forward to Halloween but thanks to you I am counting the days & marking them on my calender. Ever since I heard Norman Reedus was cast in Walking Dead, I have not only subscribed to AMC but also visited your website on numerous occasions to get my dose of extra information about the show. Whoever had the idea of casting Norman Reedus should get a raise in my book. Thank you and can’t wait to watch the show !
Annie Frohlich – Quebec,Canada – @Mustang73Annie
To AMC Thank you for casting Norman Reedus He is an amazing actor and is great in these kind of roles.
Mr. Kirkman and Mr. Darabont,
I would like to thank you for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead tv series on AMC. It’s refreshing to see a multi-talented actor such as Mr. Reedus doing a series that has inspired him as well as his fans to watch and enjoy his work on a weekly basis.
Thank You again, Jenny Hart
Just a short note. I’d really like to express how wonderful a choice it is that Norman Reedus was cast in the Walking Dead Series- perfect choice- fabulously talent actor!
Thank you, Rhoda Y.
Tune into The Walking Dead which will premiere Oct 31, 2010, starring a wonderful cast including exceptional actor photographer, and film maker Norman Reedus. A man loved and adored by his fans, so this Halloween raise your glass to AMC for putting Norman on our screens.
-CC – @christa_d_cruz
In an age where anything’s possible, and where everyone has their own theory of how zombies truly came to be, I am extremely excited about The Walking Dead tv series. I am a huge zombie fan as well as Norman Reedus fan and I could not be more grateful that he is a part of the upcoming series. Norman is a talented actor/artist who always puts 110% into all of his roles and I just wanted to thank you for allowing him being a part of this. The creative genius, coupled with all of the acting talent is going to shoot this series straight to the top!
-Rina Ortiz – @GoodGrrlGoneBad
To the Powers That Be at AMC,
Thank you for having the creative vision to air the sure-to-be-phenomenal Darabont/Kirkman collaboration, “The Walking Dead.” Adding to my excitement is the addition of Norman Reedus as recurring character, Daryl Dixon. The opportunity to watch this talented actor on a weekly basis is absolutely thrilling to his large and intensely loyal fan base (currently counting down the days on Twitter until the show premieres). I wish you much luck with this project, but with the impressive crew and remarkable ensemble cast, I don’t think you’ll need it! Thanks again for always delivering innovative and quality television (and please don’t kill off Norman’s character as did Hawaii-Five-O)! All the best to you with current and future endeavors!
Sincerely, Amy LaMotta – @ragingbullette
To the producers of The Walking Dead tv series
I wish to pass on my thanks to you for casting Norman Reedus in this series. I have been a fan of Norman’s for a long time and wanted to say thank you for keeping him on our screens.
Kindest regards, Tammy R.
I just want to say THANK YOU for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I would usually get all dressed up and walk around the neighborhood. Not this year. My friends and I are planning a Walking Dead party. I recently met Norman at Monster Mania 16. He’s such a great guy. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet. I am so looking forward to the premiere.
Thank you, Tina Bauer
Greetings Folks!
Just a quick thank you for not only creating the role of Darryl but for casting Norman Reedus in THE WALKING DEAD. In the past 18 months he’s become one of my favourite actors on the big screen and I can NOT wait to see him weekly on the small screen … KILLING ZOMBIES!! BRILLIANT!! (I know he’s also extremely excited about the series, he’s been having a blast and is eager to get working on season 2!) All the best to the cast and crew.
Sincerely, Jane Barnes – Toronto, Ontario, Canada – @Nephilimfields
To AMC: I’m a fan of Norman Reedus. The Walking Dead is gonna be on air in Japan! thanks for casting him! I can’t wait !!
Dear AMC,
I am an avid fan of your upcoming show, The Walking Dead. When I heard that you cast Norman Reedus in the show, I was more than overjoyed! I am writing this letter on Norman’s behalf. He is an amazing actor, director and photographer. A multi-talented wonder. His portrayal of Daryl Dixon is sure to be magnificent. I am excited for The Walking Dead to premier on Halloween. A perfect date for the premier. I hope that you will keep him as a regular on the show, he has so much to offer!
Good luck to your show! -Danielle Kalilec – @daniellerenee91
Dear AMC,
thank you for your casting NORMAN REEDUS in the Walking Dead. He is a very talented actor, and we JAPANESE fans are eager to meet him on big screen at the theater. I’m so happy to hear that and we are waiting for him to come to JAPAN. Please COME TO JAPAN for the premiere as soon as possible..of course, with NORMAN REEDUS!
Sincerely, Yukiko K – @yukikobds
Thanks a billion AMC for choosing Norman Reedus for the role of Daryl Dixon in your upcoming series The Walking Dead. Norman is a treat to see onscreen and an amazing actor. I am really looking forward it
– Donna – @Dmsmith27
Norman Reedus is an artist to be respected and admired, on and off screen. He brings life to his characters, not only making us believe in them, but in many cases connect with them in some level. His works never cease to leave an imprint in his fans and it always makes us look forward to what is coming next.
Norman, your talent and skill are a source of inspiration to many people. I look forward to seeing you rock it on The Walking Dead, and wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
Veronica – @XiaoHuajia
Thanks for casting the incredible actor Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. He will bring this show to life with his superb acting.
I am also grateful to AMC and film production! Make sure to also check the comments below the photo… If you are a fan of Norman Reedus and didn’t get to send in your message for AMC, please contact me or just leave a comment below. ~Wendy
43 responses to “Giant Love Letter to AMC for Casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead”
I simply cannot say thank you enough to those behind casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. I have been a fan of Norman’s work for years and have always felt that he was severely underrated. you can bet your *bleep* that more than just fans of the comic will be watching thanks to Mr. Reedus.
Casting Norman Reedus on the walking dead guaranteed this would become a must watch show in our house!
I am also very happy that Norman Reedus was cast in the Walking Dead. I have read the graphic novels and was excited enough that it was coming to AMC but with the addition of Norman Reedus it has really opened up a whole new fan base.
Looking forward to Hallowe’en night!
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in the show, due to his presence I plan on watching…I really hope to see a lot of his great talent on the show
What a brilliant move in getting Norman Reedus on board for “The Walking Dead”. Not only is the man a genius actor and fantastic human being, but he has a large and loyal fan base that supports him in all he does. I’m sure I speak for all of Norm’s fans when I say that we are anxiously awaiting the premier. Way to go Reedus!!
To the all Powerful!
I can’t thank you enough for finally doing what should have been done so long ago. I have been a fan of Norman Reedus for so many years and couldn’t understand why he wasn’t on more tv or in more movies. He is a great talent and such a wonderful man. I was lucky enough to meet him and he is so down to earth and such a great person to be around. I thank you so much and please keep him in the show and don’t be like some channels that puts 2 episode and cancels it. I believe that from the trailer I saw this is going to be a run a way hit.
Good luck to all involved!
P.S. Love you Norman ;0)
Being a fan of all things zombie, I was already super excited for “Walking Dead” and didn’t think it could get any better.
Then I heard they were adding Norman to the show.
Definitely looking forward to seeing him in action again! He’s always a joy to watch, an extremely talented and amazing person!
Thank You for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead!! I look forward to seeing him in this show every week!
Norm you already know I think you’re the bomb! Can’t wait to see this new show. THANK YOU AMC for casting this incredibly talented man!! BOOM!
I want to express my appreciation for casting NORMAN REEDUS in the Walking Dead. He is a really sensitive actor, and can`t wait to see it on TV!! Thanks, again!
(That`s the greatest love letter! Thanks Wendy!)
Sayoco (@deadchicken584)
Thanks for casting the talented mr. Reedus! He’s an incredible actor and awesome to his fans. And thanks for combining my 2 favorite things. Norman and zombies. Can’t wait for the show!
I’m a big fan of the Walking Dead Comic and of Norman Reedus. The fact that you have combined the two makes for a dream come true for a fan of both. Norman is an amazing actor and I can’t wait to see the show.
Thanks AMC for a great
Norman, words cannot express how much respect I have for you. You inspire me in ways I may never be able to fully explain, but nonetheless, you deserve this. You deserve it more than any other person. I just know The Walking Dead will be extraordinary. Keep doing what you’re doing. Thank you, AMC, and God Bless you, Norman Reedus!!
Huge thank you to AMC for casting the bad ass that is Norman Reedus for The Walking Dead. Norman rocks and it will be joy beyond words to watch him every week!!
Much love, Katrina
This show is going to be great!!! AMC made a great decision in casting Norman and I look forward to seeing what he brings to The Walking Dead. My money is on “Badassery”…
Dear AMC,
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in the Walking dead .
It`s broadcast also in Japan.Norman is an amazing actor.I’m looking forward seeing him.
Thank you, again.
imari utsunomiya – @imariu
Dear AMC,
Norman rocks. Please don’t let any zombies eat his brains.
Dear AMC,
I’m always up for a good scare so I was was thrilled to hear about The Walking Dead! But then, I heard that Norman Reedus was added to the cast….and I was blown away! Norman is an incredibly talented actor, photographer, artist, and a very down to earth, genuine individual. I have enjoyed his work for years and it makes me so happy to see him get the increased attention I had always hoped for him. More people will be able to see his chameleon-style and commitment to character. Thank you so much for recognizing his talent and displaying it for the world to see….and with zombies too…
Thank you AMC for casting the most amazing actor ever! Can’t wait to see Norman on the Walking Dead! I will definitely be watching and DVRing the show! Love anything Norman is in! :):)
norman reedus i a wonderful actor and an amazing man he is good to his fans who are very protective of him and love him withall our hearts so it was a very smart move to add this talented man to your cast ad i do hope you(amc) realize this and keep him on
thank you AMC and norman i love ya ^_^
norman reedus is a wonderful actor and an amazing man he is good to his fans who are very protective of him and love him withall our hearts so it was a very smart move to add this talented man to your cast and i do hope you(amc) realize this and keep him on
thank you AMC and norman i love ya ^_^
ps i do live me a zombie
Thank you for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead. I think he is an amazingly gifted actor who will only enhance this soon to be great show. He really makes a character come alive and I am so pleased to be able to see him on TV. Please keep him from being eaten by zombies as long as possible! Thanks again AMC –Tep:)
Dear AMC
Thank`s for casting NORMAN REEDUS in the Walking Dead. He is a great actor, I can`t wait to see it in Sweden. I just love horror movies, thank`s again!
Linda (@lindasilja)
I’m glad Norman is in the cast it’s why I’m really excited to watch it, and believe me i am not much of a show watcher, but this one i know i will watch
Thank you AMC for including my favorite actor in the show, and I’m sure he is very thankful too <3Nama
And here’s me coming in late, as always. I was looking forward to checking out Walking Dead for quite some time (if it has zombies, it’s for me)… but I didn’t truly sit up and pay attention until I learned that Norman Reedus was going to be there. Hope AMC plans to keep him on to the end. Cheers!
seriously, everything this man has been in has been awesome……. Loved Beat because of his portrayal of Lucian Carr, Thought Six Ways was amazing and Floating, come on, Van was perfectly cast….. I love that he is so into Indy flicks, but if given the chance to really unleash his acting skills he could very well dominate “A list, mainstream film.” i have no doubt then when Hollywood finally gives the go ahead for Reedus’ White Slave in Harlem film it will be brilliant…… Love this guy and wish him NOTHING but all the best he deserves =)
I have to thank AMC sooooo much for adding the awesome Norman Reedus to the cast of The Walking Dead!!! When i knew about the series i was excited but when i found out that Norman was added to the cast i was ecstatic!!! Again thank you for adding such an amazing actor!!! I love ya Reedus!!! ROCK ON!!!
AMC – Thank you SO MUCH for casting NORMAN REEDUS in one of this fall’s most anticipated series! Norman is an amazing actor and I look forward to seeing him in my living room on a weekly basis!
Much love to NORMAN and much love to AMC
Norman is not only an excellent addition to this cast but an amazing person that only elevates the people he is around. Can’t wait to see him in action!
Thank You AMC,
Heather (Eyeshine99)
Dear General Public,
Norman is one of the very few actors in recent cinema and television that truly makes me smile like an idiot. Every time I see him I get this tidal wave of nostalgia, and am reminded of the times when I would see Gene Kelly dancing blithely in the rain, Cary Grant charm me with his gorgeous eyes, or Gregory Peck light up the screen with his arresting smile. Norman Reedus does the very same thing for me; I feel like that scrawny little Irish girl watching old Hollywood with my grandmother again, escaping the hardships of prejudice, racism, and the harsh realities of the world as only the sheltering embrace of film can create.
His presence doesn’t just demand your attention; it ensnares it like a beautiful piece of poetry, or a photograph that fills your head with sweet memories that can never be recreated. Yes, he is a handsome man, yet his talent is what truly makes him a beautiful human being. My interaction with him has been limited, but even from these rare times I can see what a wonderful, kind-hearted person he is, which just adds to his already overwhelming appeal. He genuinely cares about his fans, and acknowledges that they have kept him afloat when big-shot Hollywood didn’t see what they could have had.
To put it simply, I adore Norman Reedus. He makes me remember times I’ll never have again, and leaves a sweet harmony where I might normally feel sadness. He’s a good man down to his core, and possibly one of the most lovely people I have ever known to exist.
Good luck to you, Norman. Know that your hoards of fans will always love and support you, and that we will always back you up no matter what!
Lane C. Luckett
Dear AMC, Dear producers of The Walking Dead,
some words about Norman Reedus and why he’s an enrichment for you.
Norman is the only actor who truly makes me to forgett the daily trouble.
watching whatever with him makes my day
so, a great show (i truely suppose the walking dead will be) even get better with him appearing in.
My deepest hope is that you will keep him untill the final season (and i know he’ll be extraordinarily lucky if you do so-told me)
His presence demand everyones attention. He isn’t just another good looking actor, he is multi-talented; in everything he is doing he’s outstanding!
I’m sure he has convinced you after the first shot.
As you can see I do more than adoring Norman Reedus, but I’m not the only one (if you find the time-just take a short look at Twitter-it will overwhelm you)
In sum, i just want to send you a big “thank you” for casting Norman Reedus!!
yours faithfully
Jessica Winkel
To AMC : I’m so glad to know “The Walking Dead” is going to be showed in Japan as well. Thanks so much for casting my most favourite actor, Norman Reedus, aka Hachiko as he says, in the exciting drama! Hoping the season 2, 3 & so on…!!! Love for Norman & AMC! ;D
Norman is a true renaissance man…actor, artist, all around kick ass muther. And he truly appreciates his fans. Thank you so much for including him in your cast. I for one will watch to see one of my favorite actors and people.
Dear AMC & The Producers Of “THE WALKING DEAD”,
When I First Heard That Norman Reedus Was Going To Be Apart Of The Show, I Was Excited & Full Of Joy. This Year, Has Been My First Year Hearing & Getting To Know About Norman As A Actor & To Tell You The Truth, He’s One Hell Of An Amazing Actor. I First Notice Norman In The Movie “Boondock Saints 2 All Saints Day” & Was Very Impressed By His Acting Skills. Knowing & Realizing That He Also Appeared In Other Films I”ve Watched & Seen Recently, He Is A Trully Amazing Talent & Knowing That You Had Made The Right Choice By Casting Him In This New Series We’re All About To See Coming Soon. Once Again, Thank You For Letting Him Be Apart Of This & I Know This Show Will Be Awesome With The Zombies, Cast & Of Course Norman!!!
Yours Truly,
Crystal T. (@ReedusFan_)
Thank you AMC for casting one of the most talented actors of my generation! I love everything horror so I am looking forward the watching “The Walking Dead” and having Norman a part of it makes it even sweeter! I am counting down the days!! Thanks again!
Michelle (@poyzin74)
Dearest AMC,
We hope you know what a kick ass thing you have done including Norman in this series. Right up your alley isn’t it Norm?
Digging it. Very much looking forward to The Walking Dead. You defiantly and brought a fan base of Norman’s along for the ride. Well Done and Thanks much!
Thank you SO MUCH for casting Norman in this show. It seriously made my day, and I can’t wait to watch. Love him in everythig he’s in, and I’m sure that this will be no different.
Dear AMC
Thank you very much for casting Mr. Norman Reedus on this show. This show looks very exciting itself, but adding Norman to it is more splendid! Like all the other fans, I can’t wait to see this show either!
And there are a wishing and a request: 1)I hope Walking Dead is gonna get picked up for the next season. 2)Let us see Norman in the next season too. He has a super strong and cool TV presence, and we love to see him again. Thank you.@YoosekuStu
I cannot wait to see Norman Reedus in the Walking Dead on AMC. He is a wonderful choice because he is very talented as well as he is handsome. Rock on!
We love zombies, we love Norman, we love you AMC for putting the two together. Truly a match made in heaven.
Can’t wait for this to hit the UK/Ireland!
*waves from Ireland*
my general introduction to the walking dead went something like this: first, i read the syfy channel news (blastr) a lot and i saw a blurb here or there for the show and i thought, “zombies on amc. interesting choice.” but as a huge fan of mad men and rubicon, i had no doubt it would be done well. then i saw the bootleg trailer from comic con and sparks began to fly. finally, i saw that norman had been cast and i said, “hot damn! someone get me these novels!” i have only been able to read the first three so far but they are savage and engrossing. amc has authentically translated from panel to screen and i cannot wait until the show starts.
the very casting of norman only goes to further prove how wonderful this experience is going to be.
i’ve met norman, lets say, one and a half times here in maryland (the second time was rather brief as he was trying to get to the airport, thank god for me and my friend that HIS friend was late getting to the car!) and it was an experience that i will cherish forever. i still smile at our monster madness meeting and i still giggle at how silly this lovely man can make a girl feel. his kindness and warmth seemingly radiates from his skin. but also from the shy smile to the bright eyes, he cannot hide the dark (in a really good way!) spirit of his many talents as an artist in all mediums.
never in a million years did i think i would ever have the oppurtunity to meet norman (and sean & rocco, say hi!), especially living in maryland, and i will never be able to thank him enough for coming down here to grace us. it was also perfect timing because it really jolted me to try to get back into post production and find something in my life to be passionate about. cant thank you enough for that either! dear god, you inspire, and there you were to inspire me. i think that is another great appeal to norman, not only is he dreamy and kind, a wonderful actor who conquers a variety of characters, and a good hugger!, but he is an artist and you cant escape that fact when you think of him. it comes from his heart and his heart is full.
ok, i think im good (for now)! there are never enough words. there are never enough thank you’s. you are beautiful for so many reasons and thank you for sharing yourself with the world. i hope to see you again soon. happy birthday to that beautiful boy of yours (yeah, im a lil early). and kick some zombie ass!
love always,
p.s to Norman, i have your signature on my wrist. youve seen it. its in red and you mentioned how it was cool because it kind of looks like i sliced your name into my arm, which in fact is awesome, but its funny because sometimes i think i actually did cut myself and then i go, “oh its just norman.”
thanks for everything!
Dear AMC
thank you so much for casting Norman Reedus in The Walking Dead!! he is SUCH a great actor, he’s very talented!! i’m really looking forward to watching this show in Japan! thank you again.
Yuka (@redyukawings)