John Nathaniel has been a part of Officially Plugged In to help keep his fans safe online for years now. I wanted to interview him to talk about what’s new in his world…
John, while reading your biography of sorts, it seems you are doing what you want in life. At what age did you decide music was going to be your career?
John: I was 15. I knew I wanted to do music because nothing else mattered.
You seem to be very driven and focused. Is that something you’ve gained from your parents?
John: Not really, it’s something that you have to gain while doing music for a living. You can’t be lazy. Being lazy = not paying the rent.
Have your parents been supportive with your music career from the beginning?
John: Absolutely, my parents are the best! They’ve supported me and helped me out big time through tougher times.
Did you take many lessons for music and singing or do you tend to teach yourself?
John: I basically teach myself and I do learn a lot from observing others who are more talented and have more experience. Although I did take one year of classical piano when I was 5.
I read that you were signed to a record label a few years ago and you bought your way out of the deal. What made you decide to go indie compared to going with a record company?
John: Things weren’t working out with the label and I didn’t feel like I could achieve my goals. I felt the record label didn’t have the same vision as me, so I bought my way out of my deal.
Did having access to the internet for music promotion through social networking and other outlets give you the confidence to go indie?
John: It changed everything. With the internet, you don’t even need a label anymore. You obviously need to spend more time promoting yourself, but it’s all worth it.
Since I’ve first talked with you through your Myspace, I’ve noticed how far you’ve come! I see you’ve been doing lots of music production not only for yourself, but for others as well. What are some of the highlights over the last couple of years?
John: The biggest highlights are the people I met and not only did it change things for my singer career, but it changed them for my production and mixing career.
Do you find it hard to balance the time you work for others compared to the time you spend on your own creations?
John: Yeah, it is a bit hard. Sometimes, I tend to spend too much time on other people’s music, but only because I care so much about results. When someone comes to me with one of their songs (to produce-Mix), I know how much their creation means to them and I always feel the need to go over their expectations.
Let’s talk about your new single “For You” from your new album “Overdrive”. I can definitely hear how much you’ve grown in your music over time. I think the tones and mixing are wonderful. Is this song your favorite from your new album? What inspired the song?
John: Thx Well, this song is definitely one of my favourites on the record. Lyrically, it’s inspired from when I first met my girlfriend. I wanted to write the ultimate love song. I was tired of that whole “I’m sad, things are over and whiny” stuff you usually write about. I wanted a song about hope, because that’s what love is all about.
What is one of the hardest things you find in being an indie music performer? Is it the pr/marketing, or something else?
John: The fact that you make your own schedule. You totally have the choice to work or not. That’s what’s really hard. People look at me and call me workaholic but I always tell them ; “I’m a lazy guy inside, I just fight my laziness everyday”. I guess it’s my endless battle.
A fan of yours on Twitter ( @pinkplainangel ) wanted to ask, “Will you be touring soon?”
John: I will do shows once in a while, but before I go on a massive tour, it’ll require some kind of budget, because touring is very very expensive. But it’s always possible
Thank you for your time for this interview and for the dedication you put into your lovely music you share with the world.
John: Thx for the interview
Below is sample of John’s music for his single “For You” from the new album “Overdrive” …
John’s new album is available on iTunes & CDBaby. You can also hear more of his music on his MySpace.