Cata9Tales Cata9Tales
Cata9Tales : Music : Band

Cata9tales. One is a multi-instrumentalist musical prodigy. The other is a hyperpoetic walking timebomb.

Known for their reckless creativity, lyrical cunning, musical virtuosity, and unbridled, passionate live shows, Cata9tales are at once familiar and completely unique. Berkley Priest, the voice of Cata9tales, has shared stages with international superstars and cellblocks with infamous criminals. A whirling dervish of a frontman, he wears his heart on his sleeve lyrically, and channels both his angels and demons to give performances that are never forgotten. Kreator (Kenny Perkins) is a musical wunderkind, capable of playing almost any instrument he touches, and he possesses an ear for composition and arrangement that sets him far apart from the typical DJ/producer in today’s saturated scene.

Having been together less than a year, the duo has...

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already released two albums, including the brand new e.p. “A Chameleon’s Dream,” which is
drawing rave reviews across the board for its musical creativity and lyrical depth. That album, plus
the band’s full-length debut “Kick the Bad Love,” can be downloaded free at Look for Cata9tales to make big moves in the coming year. From the mid-Atlantic something
wicked – and wonderful – this way comes…

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