What is the most commonly asked question
you receive online in regards to your bellydancing?
The most common question that I get is “Is
Bellydance hard to learn?” I like to answer each person
that contacts me with a positive answer. Yes, the fundamentals
can be hard, but just like any form of art, you are going to have
to work at it to get to your idea of perfection. And as I have
learned “When in doubt, shimmy!”
When did you decide to create a website to display your bellydancing
and modeling?
I decided to create the site after so many
of my friends/fans told me to go a little more professional than
Myspace or Facebook and have a site that people can look at without
having to be a member or sign up. (Though I do have those as well
:) )
Have you received work offers through your website?
I have received requests to perform for
a couple of local events and have been offered jobs at local Hookah
Bars due to my website. I recently added the modeling, again after
it was suggested, so we shall see what becomes of it. :)
Request an Interview with Christy: interview@officiallypluggedin.com
showcased on Officially Plugged In
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