Are there any online websites that help with writing?
You mean apart from my site and
blog!? Of course...and too many to list here. A few lesser-known
good ones...
• A few years back, The New York Times ran “Writers
on Writing," a series of short author-interview features
on the writing process. The complete archive is at
(It’s free now with NYT-site registration. I don’t
know if it will still be free when the NYT starts charging for
some content.)
• #writechat: a weekly chat on Twitter about all things
writerly. Follow it live on Sundays from noon to 3pm PT, or check
it out any time at writechat
• A directory of writers’ conferences and retreats
• If you’re a published author, be sure to register
a great place to list your book-signings and other events and
add more profile info. Relevant parts of your feed will be picked
by many calendars of events around the country.
How does having an online event calendar help you? Do
you get more bookings and people attending because of it?
Regardless of how you’re published, all authors must promote
themselves and their books if they expect to get exposure and
make sales. On online event calendar like
is great because it’s book/author-centered and because it’s
feed is picked up by Amazon (on your author page, if you’ve
set one up...and you should!) and by many local papers and events
calendars. Do I get more people directly from these listings?
It’s impossible to say. What I can say with certainty, though,
is that any way you can make your name/books more visible will
ultimately contribute to sales and event-attendance.
What's your favorite source to communicate through for
online classes?
I don’t really have a favorite outlet. I find that my blog,
my mailing list and the various social networks I belong to create
a powerful promotional synergy. I don’t always know which
outlet brought someone out to an event. I do know each feeds the
other and together they build credibility for me and my books/events.
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