James Owens – Officially Plugged In – Online Entertainment Magazine
Amie Barsky’s Yummy & Artsy Interview
05/04/2010 04:11 AM
Amie Barsky is an actress/producer that has been a part of OfficiallyPluggedin.com since the beginning of the site’s creation. She has some yummy and artsy projects she’s been working on, so I wanted to ask her some questions and share her answers with you… You’ve been doing some things that don’t seem like work, but […]... READ MORE

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James Owens James Owens
James Owens : Artist : Actor

Jim earned his BFA in 1986 from The College for Creative Studies in Detroit MI. For nearly two decades he worked with some of the biggest ad agencies in the world : Ford, Chrysler, General Motors as well as AAA, Philips Electronics, Dupont, Home and Gardens Television and Dreamworks.

Recent work has included a series of paintings combining his love for Cars and Film Noir. Full of dames that are sweet and deadly, and cars with big trunks, Jim refers to them as “Car-Noir”.

Official Website Links, Social Network Links, Interview, News, More below...

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James's Officially Plugged In Interview:

Do you use the internet to research ideas for your art?
I use the internet all the time. Not usually for ideas, although you never know where one is going to pop up. I find it a great tool for researching details. I'm also quite often inspired by new artists I find online.

Do you hang out at any websites where people do similar art?
Yes. I do hang out on a couple of sites that people post their art. But I dont really know of anyone else doing the noir thing that I do.

Do people tend to buy your art in person or online?
Both. I do a handful of gallery and car related shows each year. Also I have made it pretty easy to purchase original paintings as well as prints, T shirts and other cool stuff on my website www.car-noir.com

Request an Interview with James : interview@officiallypluggedin.com

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